Yes, some people are not suitable candidates for this type of treatment, such as those with total hair loss on the scalp, individuals with severe alopecia areata, individuals with limited hair donor areas that can be used for transplantation, and those who have lost hair due to a specific medical condition or medication.
This procedure is minimally invasive and is performed with local anesthesia on the patient, so they should not feel any pain.
Analgesics should be taken to reduce pain, antibiotics to decrease the risk of inflammation, and anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate swelling in the scalp region. The patient should avoid sun exposure for 30 days, refrain from wearing a helmet for a period of 10 days, and avoid swimming in pools, rivers, or the sea for 15 days. Follow all the recommendations provided by your surgeon.
The transplanted hair grows in a period between 8 and 12 months after the surgery.
The transplanted hair is more resistant to falling out, but this is not a guarantee that it will never fall. Therefore, it is important to undergo follow-up and dermatological treatment after the surgery.
The transplant leaves no visible scars.
This procedure has low severity and few cases of complications, which may include: bleeding, infections, numbness in the scalp, itching, and folliculitis.
The implant is performed with artificial fibers that are placed on the scalp. In the transplant, on the other hand, follicles are extracted from the person’s own scalp and implanted in areas with hair loss. As a result, the chances of the body rejecting the follicles are very low, and it is possible to achieve more satisfactory and natural results.
Yes, they can fall off and they will grow back in a few months. The end result should be seen within a year.
The hair can be washed the next day, following the instructions given by your surgeon.